I cannot even believe it’s 2022! Have y’all set your goals yet? I’ve been slowly working on mine and finally narrowed them down to share. I hope for a really healthy, fun, and stress-free year.
Vision Board:
I love doing a vision board of things that inspire me for the next year.
My Goals:
Decided to narrow down to words that represent my goals and explain them. My entire “motto” for the year is “less is more”. I did A LOT in 2021. It was fun but constant stress. I really want to scale back in a few ways and breathe this year, keep my stress low, but also still have fun and stay busy. I guess what I really need is better balance haha.
PRESENCE – Be fully present (in my work, when with family or friends, at home, etc)
BE ME – Get out of my own way and truly be myself this year
TRUST– In God’s plan, path, and timing. My prayer is to stop stressing so much in my mind and just trust in him
CAREFREE – Of my own anxieties and thoughts as well as others opinions. I want to stop pleasing others, stand my ground, and live more care free… it sounds freeing
POSITIVE ENERGY– From myself and those I surround myself with
Excited for this year and hope it’s one of minimalism, slow days, travel, cool content, and being apart of friends big moments. Thanks for another year of being here and following / supporting me! Cheers!