I shared these pumpkin latte’s the other day on my feed. Wanted to add them here with step by step details too!
They’re not too sweet, but super delicious with a hint of pumpkin. Perfect coffee drink hot or iced at home to save ya on the Starbucks! Here’s the link to the amber glasses too.
Pumpkin Latte Recipe:
1 tablespoon pumpkin pureè
Dash of vanilla extract
Pumpkin Pie Spice to taste
Brown sugar to taste
Optional: Collagen!
Mix that up! Pour in a double shot of espresso (or coffee)
If making iced, add in ice after the above has melted
Add in oat milk or milk to top but leave a little room
Topped foam: Half & half or heavy whipping cream with pumpkin pie spice- froth it and add to the top!
Let me know if y’all try the pumpkin latte! It’s super delicious.