Save Money On Your Groceries This Season With Walmart
My mind is BLOWN. Have you ever compared prices to the different stores you shop at? I have here and there but I really sat down the other day and compared Kroger prices to Walmart’s. All I have to say is WOW. Some are a few cents different but that makes a HUGE difference in a year.
The items above are things we buy just about every.single.week. They’re staples in our home for our semi-healthy lifestyles. Y’all know I try to eat pretty clean and dairy free and these items are awesome for weekly snacks or meals. I’m really shocked that our meatless crumbles that we use when making plant based meals are a whole DOLLAR more at Kroger… crazy.
I don’t know about y’all but this really makes me want to continue shopping Walmart more. Plus, after a year like we’ve all had, buying groceries online and picking up or having them delivered is a godsend. No waiting in long lines or being around people. Walmart offers both pickup and delivery options, awesome prices, AND quick, quality service.