We are LESS than 2 MONTHS away from the wedding. Wow!! Not even ready haha. I shared on IG stories how I’ve officially kicked off my wedding workout plan. Remember when I started #AMSgetsActive last year? It was the hashtag I utilized to share all of my fitness updates about my journey losing my college weight.
If you click the ‘Active‘ tab above, you can read all of my workouts and plans since September 2018 as I’ve lost almost 20 pounds. Since I’ve been dedicated the past year to losing weight, I don’t really have that much of a different workout plan for myself. Although, I have switched things up and do have a few goals for the wedding.
Wedding Workout Plan:
Workout 6x a week. Giving myself a Saturday or Sunday off.
I’m committing to working out 6x a week up until the wedding week. Not only am I doing this to get in great shape, but I’m mainly doing this for my mental health. Working out keeps me sane and while we get closer and closer and things get busier…. working out is a top priority for me.
Mix of high impact and low impact classes
I just increased my workout classes. I was using Classpass (let’s you book a variety of studios… in my opinion keeps things interesting) but now I’m trying out Studio Hop Fit which is basically the same thing. I chose the 20 classes a month option and will be doing a mix of high and low impact classes. Doing both high and low impact yields the BEST results in my opinion and always keeps things new and interesting for your body.
For example:
Monday: Pilates
Tuesday: Gym workout- 30 mins on tread switching from running to walking, 20 mins on the floor lifting weights
Wednesday: Barre
Thursday: Gym workout- same as above just switching to new floor workout
Friday: Cycle
Saturday: Barre
Low carb days 4 times a week
This is easier said then done and to be honest I did keto and then faster way to fat loss in the beginning of the year and ever since I WILL not deprive myself of bread and pasta lol. We’re trying to eat lots of healthy greens and lean meat 4x a week. Friday night-Sunday we fully indulge in all the pizza, pasta, and chocolate haha.
Wedding Fitness Goals:
Upper body!!!
To give a little hint about my wedding dress, I had ONLY asked for all the bridal boutiques to pull long sleeve dresses…. last place we went to and last dress I tried on was sleeveless and I ended up falling in love. Crazy how we get our minds set on something and then go for something else haha. BUT…. my arms and chest and everything is now shown…. so my upper body is the MAIN part I will be focusing on these next 2 months.
Armpit area
We all have a little armpit fat. You know what I’m talking about! Mine drives me crazy when I wear spaghetti straps or something like that. I’ve got a ton of “How to lose armpit fat” gym workouts pinned haha.
Abs for honeymoon
This is where pilates and barre classes come in. Both RIP my core to shreds. My goal is to get a little more ab definition just in time for our honeymoon… eeek!!
Happy and confident
Lastly…. a goal of mine is my mental health. I want to be calm and happy leading up to the wedding. My plan of action is my workouts, putting sleep in top priority category, and doing my daily devotionals every single day. Also, getting outside for some fresh air at least once a day as well.
That’s my game plan to get in my best shape, mentally and physically, just in time for the wedding. Hope y’all enjoyed this and will keep you updated on my wedding workout as I go! HAPPY FRIDAY!!! xx