Hi friends! Happy Monday. Can’t believe the weekend has already come and gone haha. I’m heading back to Lubbock today after my dentist appointment and I’m dreading this drive lol.
The other week I was scrolling my phone to when Josh and I got engaged and I came across some pictures of myself about 2 months after we got engaged…. which was when I was dealing with a lot of health issues and at my heaviest weight ever. I was these photos of my face and was SHOOK. I texted them to Josh and was in disbelief. He replied that I was “happy thick” LOL because it was the month after the best month of my life. Last May I was getting engaged, graduating college, went to Hawaii for 10 days, it was all amazing but crazy. A month later I was in lots of doctor appointments for my health and was mainly dealing with thyroid issues that was causing me to gain weight like crazy and I was also extremely swollen and inflamed. Below is me at my heaviest weight: 155 on the left and me now, at 137.
About a month later, after looking like the left, I finally started back at OTF and have been on my game with health/fitness ever since. I get messages weekly on IG from girls saying how I’ve lost some weight, that I look skinny, that I look happy, glowing, all the sweetest things. It’s THE BEST compliment because I’ve been working SO hard the last 7 months. It hasn’t been easy but I’ve slowly seen awesome improvements.
I thought I’d catch y’all up on what I’ve been doing lately. My workouts are still the same. I’m working out 4-5x a week rotating back and forth between Orangetheory and Barre/Cycle at Define. OTF has definitely helped me tone my arms and slim down with their HIIT workouts.
The main change I made in January where I dropped about 10 pounds since then was my diet. I knew when I changed my eating habits I’d drop weight it just took me like a year to do it haha. I love me some pasta and sweets!!! In January I did try Keto. I didn’t really do it religiously or count my macros but I did eat pretty keto-based for all my meals. I definitely ate way too much fruit though so I don’t think my body ever went into ketosis. After that, I decided to try Faster Way to Fat Loss. I’ve lost a pound a week! With that, I am doing intermittent fasting and about 5 days a week of low-carb days. I’m 137 pounds right now and my goals is 130 before my wedding in December.
To be honest, with both “diets” or “ways of living” I haven’t really followed either to a T. That’s just not how my mind works. If I want something, I just do it I would never restrict myself. I try to eat low-carb M-F but it’s fair game on the weekend for all the burgers, pizza, sweets etc. I really TRY to intermittent fast a couple days a week but I usually break haha. Either way, I’ve still seen results which is the best way to do it. Don’t deprive yourself!
I’m still drinking celery juice every few days which has helped my digestion issues SO much. Like, more than every kind of medicine I’ve been prescribed. Moving forward, I am still on the FWTFL program but I really do my own thing. I eat low carb during the week, and whatever I want (in moderation) on weekends. I have been bread and grain free (other than weekend splurges) since Jan. 15 but I am going to start introducing oats and bread/toast into my diet about 2x a week. Still not eating pasta because I will bloat up like a toad… But I miss oatmeal for sure!!
I’m also taking a variety of natural supplements & a good probiotic which if y’all are interested in me sharing, I most definitely can. Everything HEALTH and WELLNESS wise is so interesting to me right now.
Thanks for reading today’s post!! Have a fabulous week!!
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