Interrupting the holiday gift guides and beauty posts for a very RANDOM post haha. TBH I’ve had this post planned in my calendar since September and I kept putting it off and finally I was like “Audrey…. just freaking take the photos and post it!”. So here we are! I didn’t have time to really clean up my house but I mean…. this is real life over here. Over the summer, I became weirdly obsessed with Amazon. I was buying and browsing it weekly for the most random sh*t. Like… why do we this!? I know some people who are crazy Amazon addicts and I TOTALLY get it.
I wanted to round up some things I recently bought (and by recently I mean in August…. I mean again, I planned this post for September yet here we are haha). But I figured it was time to share and now that I’ve used everything for months, I can tell you how much I truly do love them.
Over the sink Drying Rack: I heard of both of these sink items through another blogger I love, Pardon Muah. She shared these via IG stories and I was needing something just like so I immediately purchased haha. Since our apartment is small, it really bothered me that our drying mat took up more counter space. We really never used the other sink other than to soak things or put dirty dishes in but this drying rack gives us so much more counter space. I also love I can throw dripping wet dishes on it and the water just goes right through it into the sink.
Brush Caddy: Anyone else have a brush with soap? Ours just would sit on our counter by the sink and soap would get EVERYWHERE. This thing is so nice and doesn’t take up much space. We put the little sink gadgets in there and also our brush.
Awaken Devotional: I actually buy ALL of my devotionals off of Amazon. I typically save myself a few extra bucks too by getting used ones. This is my most recent (well.. I’ve had for months now) devotional. I try to do a 15-minute morning quiet time before work each day. I really like this one because it shares more stories and puts different things in life into perspective. It’s a great read!
Simple Modern Tumbler: I started seeing these in the grocery store and then it popped up on Amazon one day when I was browsing and I purchased right on the spot haha. I really need to order another because I use this thing EVERY day. I honestly like it more than my Yeti. I will put coffee in it in the morning and fill with lemon water in the evening. It’s huge and comes in a bunch of colors.
32 oz Mason Jar: I saw these on some youtuber’s video (really wish I could remember) and for some reason I felt like it was a very necessary purchase LOL. But I really love how big these are and I like to fill mine up with smoothies or lemon water and Josh loves to use these too. We got these in a pack of 2!
Salad Chopper: I’m still laughing at this one. Josh literally was like “why the heck would you buy this” when I got it in the mail. It’s kind of hilarious lol! I saw this one on Alex Garza’s youtube channel and she shared how it makes salads so much better. I personally love a very chopped salad so I bought this thing. I haven’t used it AS MUCH as I’d like but when we make a big salad for dinner it 100% makes them so much better. It chops/tosses it all together so well.
Tinkle Face Shaver: My hair dresser told me about these back in May and I was so curious. Then I saw another blogger I love to follow, The Skinny Confidential (Lauryn Evarts), talk about these so I caved a few months ago and bought. I never really had much facial hair and what I did have was peach fuzz but I kept hearing that even shaving that fuzz off can make your makeup go on EVEN smoother. I also get this little peach fuzz ALL around my brows and my skin is too sensitive to wax, so I will pluck them and then VERY carefully go around my brows and get the little baby hairs/fuzz off with these. They’re SO cheap and you can buy them in big packs.
Dry Brush: Another product I found when I was researching about items that help with anxiety, skin, etc. I looked them up on Amazon and picked this one. I used to get really bad acne on my back and I recently saw it coming back as I’ve been working out every day and sweating. I loved that this came with a longer stick to get your back. In case you’re wondering, here are some benefits on dry brushing:
Humidifier: Josh and I sleep with a ceiling fan on full blast. We both get VERY hot sleeping… even with our thermostat to 62 degrees. I started waking up with sore, very dry throats every morning. I increased my water intake and it was still happening. Then, I got sick, and went to the doctor. I was telling how I was feeling and he asked if I slept with a fan above my head. I told him yes… and we have to. He said I should look into getting a humidifier because if I didn’t, I’d stay sick this winter. So I bought one!!! I saw some fancy ones but this girl likes a deal and is on a budget. I actually was looking for a cool mist one because again, I don’t want anything warm in my face at night. This has helped a ton so far, Josh loves it too.
Pink Pill Box: Before some people freak out… I never thought I’d really ever need one of these but as I’ve shared on here that I do have some health issues I deal with…. I’ve started having to take multiple medications every day. I started slacking with them and forgetting…. so I found this from The Skinny Confidential again, and hit purchase! I love the color (shows darker online) and it keeps me on track.
And those are some of my purchases! I have quite a few more but wanted to see if y’all liked this post more. Let me know if you’d like more posts on Amazon finds!! Have a FABULOUS weekend, y’all! xx
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