What I’m Wearing:
Cardigan | Body Suit | Bag | Jeans
Hello friends!! 🙂 I hope you had the most fabulous weekend!! My mom came to town this past weekend and we had so much fun!! It’s always nice to have her or my dad in town. I think that’s the most I’ve ever done in a weekend in awhile haha!Â
Today I wanted to share a little about shopping on a budget. I’m in school full time and work part-time outside of working for my blog. I don’t really have the extra funds to shop a lot but I am definitely guilty of wanting to buy new clothes and makeup every once in awhile. I shop at certain places at different times and am always searching for the best ways to shop on a budget.
Shopping on a budget can be difficult, especially if you like nicer things, but it’s do-able!
I bookmark my favorite stores and periodically check to see when items go on sale. I also try to bookmark already affordable sites that have sales frequently. I try not to even let myself look at stores I know I can’t afford. I typically try to buy tops $50 and under and bottoms $100 and under. Shoes I will splurge on sometimes but never anything over $150.
Sites like Loft, Banana Republic, Asos, etc. ALWAYS have sales so if there isn’t one when I’m looking I check back a few days later and everything I liked is typically on sale. Also- subscribing to retailers newsletters helps to let you know when they have sale alerts too.
Favorite affordable stores that have constant sales:
Kind of like above with not even looking at sites I can’t afford, I ALWAYS filter results first before looking at anything. I narrow it down to just tops or just skirts or water I’m looking for and then narrow the price down to what I can afford or what I’m willing to spend. Sites like ASOS and Nordstrom do this often and I will choose under $50. It helps to see what they have, and not even get my hopes up to spend more than what I can.
Ebates is a cash back system. I don’t use this often but am trying to remember too. It’s a way to shop and get cash back. Different retailers are on there and offer different amounts back. Definitely a great option to try out!
I set aside a little bit of money each paycheck because I know at the end of the month I’ll want to do a little shopping. Whatever I have saved, is what I spend! It’s definitely hard… especially this time of year when all the Spring pieces come out haha. But again, self-disclipline here is key and saving a little money each month helps A LOT to get the shopping bug out.
Something I also recommend is going through your clothes EACH time you go shopping. Don’t limit it to cleaning out each season, but every time you shop try to find a couple of things in your closet you haven’t worn in months and sell them. I sell at Platos Closet, Poshmark, and local FB pages. Whatever I make I get to add to my shopping money pile and I even get to make more room in my closet. Shopping on a budget is kind of like a challenge but a fun one haha.
I’m all about a good deal, saving money, and cute clothes for a new season. This is what I live by to afford the things I like! I hope y’all enjoyed reading this shopping on a budget post and I’ll talk to y’all Wednesday!
P.S. I am sharing a second part to this on hump day. XO
2024 Audrey Martinez | Brand and Website by Embolden
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