Hi y’all! Thanks for stopping by today. This past weekend, I had my sorority’s formal. It was SO fun and I loved being able to bring Josh along again. We had a great time with friends and getting to dress up. I share a lot that our typical day to day uniform is a t-shirt and shorts and I rarely get to dress up here so it was really exciting to have a full 3 days of getting all dolled up.
The first night was formal, long dresses, for dinner. The second night was more like a date party and the theme was “What Used To Be Cool” so we dressed up like we were in the 70’s disco time. The third and final night was Casino themed and we got to wear cocktail dresses. It was such a great weekend all around and I’m thankful for any weekend that I can spend out with friends, and of course having Josh to myself without our busy schedules in the way. I can easily get caught up in the work of this blog and over-scheduling myself to where I lose track of quality time with friends. But if there is one thing that I want girls (especially younger) to take away from this blog, it’s that you have to love yourself and the close people you have, around you. I’m all for the #girlboss but family and friends matter most and they’re what really continue to support you.
I got so many questions about outfits so here’s a few fun photos for a glance behind the beauty and fashion posts, and also links to most details!