We made it to Friday! I started back to school yesterday for my Spring Semester and it’s actually really nice to be back into a routine. I’m excited for a little lighter class load this semester and I always LOVE Spring semester. I’m not sure what it is, but something about jumping into the season of Spring, my birthday, Spring Break, Easter, and many friends 21st birthday’s makes me extremely intrigued with this semester. Speaking of returning to school, I thought I’d share my top 5 tips for Organization. Whether you’re in college or in the post college work world these are pretty universal for all!
Tip One: Invest In a Planner
!!!!! This! If you’re like my dad, and plan on your phone, then use your phone’s calendar as a planner but definitely have some sort of calendar with dates that you can jot stuff down that’s important. I have three planners. THREE. I have one for social/school, one for my blog/business, and a huge desk calendar for my blog as well. I like to over plan a bit haha but my life becomes 500% easier when it’s organized. There are a ton of cute planners on the internet, through Target, etc. Or if you are a techie and prefer your phone, just utilize any calendar you can to get organized.
Tip Two: Get used to/make a Routine
I love a good routine. I’ve never been that ‘in the moment’ or all over the place type of girl. Sometimes, I really wish I was but it’s just not me. I have my work and play routines that I stick too. It gives me comfort knowing that I can wake up each day and know the routine that’s happening. If you make it a goal to try and plan out and make a routine for each day, it allows such ease to your days. You’ll know exactly what’s happening, you’ll be in control of your life, and life won’t be chaotic.
Tip Three: Give All Aspects of Your Life The Time They Need
This goes with Tip #2, but I wanted to dive a little deeper. For me, I have work, school, social, and “me” time. All four aspects need equal parts quality time. When planning my weeks or making my routine, I always look at what days/hours I’ll spend working. What equal amount I’ll spend at school/ studying. And split time catering to my friends, my relationship, my family, and all social time with my personal “me” time. I think me time is really important for everyone to make time for. I’ve realized that giving myself at least 30 minutes a day of just doing nothing and taking the time to take care of myself does wonders for not only my physical health, but my mental health too. You can stay so much more organized by looking at all aspects in your life and planning what days will go to what and indulging in each.
Tip Four: Make lists
Y’all. Keep a notepad in your bag, on your phone, and on your desk. Ever since I started doing this, I have at least 5 full lists a day of just little to big stuff that I either want to remember or do. Making lists works serious magic in your life and keeps you from forgetting the little things.
Tip Five: Take 5 minutes every night to look over everything
At the end of each night, when you climb into bed, grab your planner and take a quick look over your week. See what you maybe forgot to do, what’s coming up, and jot down anything you learned of that day that needs to be added. This part truly enhances your organization skills of just looking back and staying on top of stuff. You’ll never forget that dinner, or birthday again!
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