Photo Courtesy of: Studio DIY
The one thing I’ve learned to do for myself, each month and year is to set goals. Not the goals of “wow their relationship is #goals,” “her hair is #goals…” etc. you get the point. Sometimes in life we get so caught up in wanting what other people have and wanting to look or be like someone else (guilty!) that we lose sight of ourselves. My job revolves around the media. I spend a good half of my day on Instagram, Facebook, Google, Pinterest, etc. I have an online blog, and I have a side job working for and helping out with their social media. So… I am constantly seeing what other influencers are doing, buying, and saying. It’s really hard not to get caught up in that, and not compare myself to that. I find that a ton of girls throughout middle school and high school are so insecure. Especially the younger girls because they grew up with a phone and social media as soon as 2nd grade. (I never got a phone until 6th grade… and I see babies have them now, what!?) So girls get to grow up seeing “perfection” on Instagram, and other social platforms. It’s so easy to make yourself look “perfect” on social media. But don’t let others lives, who may look better (even though they aren’t) discourage you on making you a better you, for the benefit of yourself.
OK…. sorry I get side tracked. Now, onto this post.
Setting monthly goals is hard for some people. Some people don’t have the motivation, confidence, or drive to stick to a goal and follow through. But, it’s good to start now.
Create Your Goals
Creating goals, shouldn’t be too hard. Everyone can always improve themselves. I have an ongoing list of things I strive for, and things I want to improve. Think about what you can improve on, what you don’t like about yourself, any bad habits you want to fix, etc. But, when you are jotting them down, DO NOT think about how you could be like someone else, don’t think about your favorite Instagram blogger who you want to be just like. Be yourself, and improve that person. Nobody likes a girl who is 1. a follower and 2. just like someone else.
Stick to Them
Here’s where it gets tricky…. I’m going to share my top 3 tips on what works for me.
1. Jot them down. everywhere. In your planner, school notebook, on your phones notes, in your phones calendar… put. them. everywhere. you. can! You need to be reminded of them everyday, so it sticks in your head.
2. Find a friend, who has goals for themselves too, and make a pact to encourage and help one another to accomplish them. I’m independent, but sometimes it’s nice to have a friend along. Maybe one of your friends wants to improve on a few things in their life too, get together and promise to remind, and motivate each other to really accomplish them. If one of them is to workout, have a friend who has the same goal, and workout together. It’s really easy, if you just put the effort in to begin with.
3. Reward and discipline yourself when needed. LOL, this may sound weird, but it works. Let’s say my goal for a month is to workout 4 times a week. If I skip a day, I won’t let myself go out with friends on a Saturday night and instead I’ll get my butt to the gym… it’s really disappointing but it makes my mind and body know that skipping out or taking an easy way out on one of my goals results in losing a social and fun night. I hate missing out, so that right there would have me NEVER missing a day or goal. Take away whatever it is you may give yourself that month; a social event, new shoes, a shopping spree, etc. If you want something bad enough, you won’t lose sight of your goals. But, also reward yourself. If you’ve completed a goal like; getting organized, or getting up early, etc. Reward yourself! Go buy yourself that new handbag, or treat yourself to a nice dinner with friends. It’s important to have self motivation, and know that not everything is just handed to you, even small goals.
Goals are hard to make, when you doubt yourself. It takes a small amount of confidence and encouragement to make a list, and complete the things you want to improve on. I most definitely recommend trying to create a goal list for yourself, and seeing where it takes you… you never know until you try! Goodluck! (insert kiss emoji)
2024 Audrey Martinez | Brand and Website by Embolden
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